zondag 31 maart 2013

What to do with al that chocolat ??

My dear Sweetypies,
First of all, I apologize to you, because I have not posted anything yesterday. But I have fibromyalgia and CFS and so it can happen that I feel so tiered and have so much pain that I can 't doe anything, but rest. It hurts cause I love what I do, but there's no other solution. I'm very sorry !!

Today I wanted to let you know what you can do with any excess chocolate. Especially in these days that can occur. Here are some ideas:

LET'S MAKE CHOCOLATE MILK, in two different ways.

first way (for 4 mugs):

You need:
- 1 liter of whole milk
- 200 gr. chocolate into pieces
- sugar or sweetener to taste, if you want
- saucepan with thick bottom
- a whisk

Heat the milk in a saucepan with a thick bottom, until almost boiling. Remove the pan from the heat. Put the pieces of chocolate and beat with a whisk considerably so that the milk is nicely light. Taste the chocolate milk is sweet enough. Else add sugar or sweetener and stir until melted that. Pour into large mugs.
Add while knocking a little cinnamon or spices or a pinch of cayenne pepper.
You can also add a dash of rum or liqueur (like amaretto) to it.
Replace a part of the sugar by vanilla sugar.
Use white chocollade.
Serve with fresh whipped cream or marshmallows or go wild and do both (haha).

Second way (For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 15 min.):

You need:
- 150 gr. dark chocolate, chopped into pieces
- 100 ml. cream
- 1 l. whole milk
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon (or to taste)
- a saucepan

Put the cream into the pan and add the chocolatepeices. Gently melt. Add the milk, little by little,
and heat it up, while stirring. Do not boil  !!! Season with cinnamon. Divide into mugs or bowls.
Serve immediately.
Allways use whole milk, that makes it nice thick and creamy.

(for 4 pers.)

You need:
- 100 gr. chocolate paste
- 50 gr. chocolate, chopped
- 60 gr. butter
- 2 egg yolks
- 4 egg whites
- 20 gr. sugar (or to taste)
- 50 gr. pistachios
- a spatula

Some TIPS before you can begin:
Beat the egg whites with the sugar, that will 'fix' the egg whites. The mixture is whipped sufficient if you can turn the bowl upside down without the mixture falling out. Make sure that no yolk comes in the egg white, because then you never get the egg white beaten stiff. And make sure the bowl is not fat because otherwise also : no stiff egg whites ! Best add the beaten egg whites just at the last moment. Raise your spatula high each time you mix, so much air enters in to the whites, so it becomes real airy. And scoop continuously from top to bottom. Do not mix it all at once, because then it all can go sour.

Melt the chocolate with the chocolat paste, butter and cream over a low heat. Remove from heat and let cool. Add the egg yolks. Wisk the egg whites  stiff with the sugar. Mix the chocolate mixture with the egg whites and fold (see above). Allow to stiffen at least for 2 h., in the fridge.

FRUITkebab with CHOCOLATsauce.
(for 4 pers., preparation: + - 20 min.)

You need:
For the kebabs:
- 8 marshmallows
- banana
- grapes
- kiwi
- orange
- Mango
- you always may choise different fruits
For the sauce:
- 150 ml. cream
- 150 gr. dark chocolate
- Fresh mint leaves

Rinse the grapes. Peel the orange to the flesh and cut the segments from between the
membranes. Peel the kiwi and mango. Peel the banana. Cut the fruit into pieces and prick
alternately onto skewers, alternating off by ussing a marshmallow. Break the dark chocolate into pieces. Bring the cream to a boil. Take him off the heat and add the chocolate. Let melt, while stirring. Serve as a dip with the fruitkebabs.
Serve the chocolate cream in a well heated bowl or keep it warm so you keep that delicious cold-warm-effect till the last bite, the contrast between the freshness of the fruit and the hot sauce.

An hey, my great Sweetypies, you may always post some comment, don't forget that !

Eat them,
Your Veggie Lady
Check out my other blog!

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