vrijdag 8 maart 2013

Announcement and recipe: Tarte Tatin with blue cheese, pear and walnut.

Dear Sweetypies,
Spring is coming gradually. Some celebrate the Passover, others do not. Let's celebrate spring however than with a delicious menu, that i will place beginning of next month. I wish you ALL a fantastic and tasty spring season, full of love and warmth. Hope to see you then again ?
Your loving Veggie Lady.

Tarte Tatin with BLUE CHEESE, PEAR and WALNUT.
(for 6 pers., preparation: + - 40 min)

You need:
- 1 roll of puff pastry
- 50 gr. butter
- 75 gr. caster sugar
- 1 handful of walnuts, chopped
- 300 gr. quince or oven-pear, peeled, cored and sliced
- A pinch of cinnamon
- 150 gr. blue cheese, cut into small pieces
- Cake pan with non-stick coating, diameter 28 cm.

To start, an important tip:
Use real oven-pears, such as eg Gieser Wildeman They are dry and hard and they are only after cooking or baking edible.

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Remove the pastry from the refrigerator. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the sugar and let caramelise. Note well that the caramel sauce does not burn, otherwise it will tast bitter. Therefore stay put !!! When the sugar begins to brown, pour in the cake pan. Put the chopped walnuts and pear slices in the form. Put them in there until the bottem is no longer visible. Then sprinkle the cinnamon and blue cheese over it. Lay the pastry on the form. Press the sides down, so you get an inverted cup. Press carefully. Prick a few holes in the dough with a fork. Place for 30 to 35 min. in the oven, at 180 ° C. Remove the cake from the oven when done and let cool. Take a large flat bowl or a large plate and place it upside down on the cake. Now turn over so the (quince) pears lie on top. Serve the cake warm with a fresh salad.
The tarte tatin was accidentally invented by two French sisters. Who forgot to place the dough into the cake pan, so instead the layed the dough on top. VOILA, tarte tatin. Bon appétit !!

Eat them, 
The Veggi Lady

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