dinsdag 26 maart 2013


Hey my Sweetypies, here I am with the first few Easter- or spring recipes, as promised.
With a bonus   ;-)  in part 2.

Let's start with breakfast:

(for 4 pers., preparation: + - 1h)

You need:
- 2 eggs
- 150 gr. self-raising flour
- 250 ml. milk
- 200 ml. cream
- 50 gr. vanilla sugar
- 200 gr. Soft cheese
- 1 tsp. vanilla-essence
- 2 tbsp. liquid honey
- maple syrur
- butter
- Pinch of salt
- Pan with non-stick coating

Separate the eggs and place the egg whites in the fridge. Add flour to the milk, along with the honey and egg yolks. Stir until smooth and let rest 15 min. Beat the egg whites meanwhile, with a pinch of salt to snow. Fold the whipped egg whites into the batter. Preheat the oven to 50 ° C (to keep the already made pancakes warm.). Heat each time some butter in of the non-stick pan. Fry the thick pancakes for 1 to 2 min. on one side. Flip them over and fry the other side also for 1 to 2 min. until golden brown. Keep them warm in the oven ! Add the vanilla sugar in the cream and beat until stiff. Stir the cheese smooth with honey and vanilla-essence and fold in the whipped cream. Serve the pancakes with vanilla cream and drizzle them with maple syrup.
The Canadian Indians discovered the sap of the mapletree, which after the winter contained quite a lot of sugar. She tapped it off and let cook and thicken. "Maple syrup" you can find in the supermarket, but you can also substitute it by honey or other syrup.

Cafe MOKA.
(for 2 pers.)

You need:
- 2 dl. coffee, freshly made
- 20 gr. milk chocolate
- 1 1/2 tsp. cane sugar
- 1/2 pinch of vanilla powder
For the garnish:
- Whipped Cream
- Chocolate coffee beans

Heat the coffee in a saucepan. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie. Stir the melted chocolate with the coffee. Add the vanilla. Pour the coffee with chocolate in coffee cups. Garnish with whipped cream and 1 or 2 chocolate coffee beans.

The snacks / appetizers:

Stuffed Eggs from the oven.
(for 6 pers., preparation: + - 30 min)

You need:
- 6 eggs, hard boiled
- 2 shallots, peeled and finely chopped
- 2 x 2 tbsp. fresh herbs (parsley, chives, chervil, tarragon ....), finely chopped
- some additional fresh herbs for garnish, as desired, also finely chopped
- 1 tbsp. mustard
- 75 gr. cream
- 1 tbsp. white wine vinegar
- 75 gr. butter
- Salt & pepper
- A greased baking dish

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Halve the hard boiled eggs, remove the yolks with a fork and crush them. Mix 4 tbsp. chopped herbs with the chopped shallot, mustard, cream and crushed egg yolks. Season with salt & pepper. Fill the half eggs with the mixture and put them in the greased baking dish. Melt the butter in a pan and mix with the other 4 tbsp. finely chopped herbs and vinegar. Sprinkle the eggs with the butter-herb sauce. Put in the oven and let the eggs color golden brown, in 5 to 10 min. Sprinkle, just before serving, with the additional chopped herbs.
You can prepare a lot in advence.

Vegetable timbale with QUAIL EGG.
(for 4 pers., preparation: + - 20 min)

You need:
- 1/2 zucchini, cut into small cubes
- 1/2 yellow paprika, cleaned, seeds removed and cut into small cubes
- 1/2 red bell paprika, cleaned, seeds removed and cut into small cubes
- 1/2 green paprika, cleaned, seeds removed and cut into small cubes
- 1 small shallot, finely chopped
- 1 tsp. chives, finely chopped
- 4 quail eggs
- 100 ml. cream
- 1 tsp. oregano
- 1 tsp. sweet paprikapowder
- olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- 4 small dishes
- 4 rings to cut forms out (see below)

Kook- en Dessertring

Put 2 tbsp. olive oil in a pan or pot and sauté the shallot. Add the diced vegetables and oregano. Cook them al dente. Stir the cream into the vegetables and season with paprikapowder and salt & pepper. Let the cream boil down. Bake 4 eggs sunny side up and cut them (if necessary) out with a such a ring. Spread the vegetables over the 4 dishes, top with an egg sunny side up on top and garnish with chives.

As soup we serve:

(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 40 min)

You need:
- 1 cauliflower (+ - 750 gr.), Cleaned and divided into florets
- 1 onion, peeled and chopped
- 750 ml. broth
- 200 ml. room + 2 tbsp. additional
- 2 tbsp. orange juice (or freshly squeezed)
- 1 tbsp. freshly chopped parsley + a little extra
- Zest of an untreated orange
- olive oil
- nutmeg
- Salt & pepper
- a mixer

Heat 1 tbsp. olive oil in a pan or pot. Fry the onion and cauliflower, while stirring. Deglaze with the stock, bring to the boil and let simmer for 20 min. Mix the soup, add the 200 ml. cream and bring to a boil. Season with nutmeg and salt & pepper. Season with the orange juice and 1 tbsp. parsley. Divide the soup in plates or bowls. Drizzle with olive oil. Beat the rest of the cream slightly and spread over the soup. Garnish with the orange zest and the extra parsley.
Not such a orange lover ? Then you can easily let that out.

So my dear Sweetypies, you can start already with these recepies. Next time part 2 with the main course, desserts and the bonus. See you,

Eat them,
Your Veggie Lady
Check out my other blog!

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