donderdag 3 januari 2013

Speedy Noodle soup with coriander

My dear sweetypies, I had internet problems so I couldn't publish anything yesterday, I hope you will forgive me ? .

(for 4 pers.)

You need:
- 200 gr. rice noodles
- 800 ml. vegetable broth
- 2 leeks
- 1 bunch of coriander
- 1 red chilli
- 1 tbsp (sunflower) oil
- Juice of 1 lime
- 2 tbsp. soy sauce

Pick the coriander-leaves from the stems and chop the leaves coarsely. Finely chop the chilli (without seeds !!). Rinse the leek and cut into rings. Fruit the leekrings translucent in the oil. Now add the chilli. Deglaze with the vegetable broth. Let cook for 10 min. Put the rice noodles in the soup and let simmer for +- 8 min. Season with soy sauce and lime juice. Divide the soup into bowls and sprinkle with coriander,

Eat them,
The Veggi Lady
Check out my other blog!

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