dinsdag 29 januari 2013


(for 4 pers., preparation: + - 50 min)

You need:
For the balls:
- 400 gr. tofu
- 4 spring onions
- Fresh coriander (1/2 of a bunch)
- 4 tbsp. panko (see info)
- 4 tbsp. shelled pistachios
- 2 tbsp. sesame oil
- 2 tbsp. soy sauce
- 2 tbsp. rice oil
- Salt & pepper
For the vegetable rice:
- 3 leeks
- 1/2 green cabbage
- 2 spring onions
- 1 red pepper
- The other half of the bunch fresh coriander
- 2 shallots
- 2 cloves garlic
- 250 gr. (Thai) rice
- 2 tbsp. dry sherry
- 3 tbsp. soy sauce
- 2 tbsp. rice oil
- Salt & pepper
- wok or pan

Cut the 4 spring onions and pistachios fine. Chop the coriander, but keep some leaves aside for the finishing. Crumble the tofu in a bowl and add all other ingredients, outside the rice oil. Mix it into a paste and roll small balls of it. Place the rolled balls on a plate and set aside. Cut the leeks and green cabbage into fine strips. Chop the 2 spring onions (reserving a little for garnish), the shallots and the garlic. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it finely.
Cook the rice in lightly salted water until tender (cooking time: see packaging). Drain. Heat 2 tbsp. rice oil in a wok or pan. Add the shallot, garlic and chilli and fry + - 2 minutes, then add the leeks, cabbage, sherry and 3 tbsp. soy sauce and cook for 8 to 10 minutes, on medium heat. Heat 2 tbsp. rice oil in a pan and fry the tofuballs until golden. Mix the rice with the vegetables and season to taste with salt & pepper. Sprinkle the rice with the remaining spring onions and fresh coriander leaves. Serve with the tofu balls.
Panko is a type of breadcrumbs that is used in Japanese cuisine to give baked or fried food a crispy crust. Panko is available in different varieties and is made of baked or steamed bread based on wheat flour, glucose, yeast and vegetable fats and gives a crisper and airier texture than usual with breadcrumbs used in Western cuisine. Outside Japan, the use of panko gets increasingly popular in both Asian and non-Asian dishes. Panko is available in Japanese stores and shops everywhere. Panko is produced worldwide, especially in Asian countries like Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Eat them, 
The Veggi Lady

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