woensdag 23 januari 2013

finger-licking flaming hot popcorn

'All American' popcorn but in a spicy jacket, 
finger-licking good  !!!!!

Flaming hot POPCORN.
(for 4 pers., preparation: + - 15 min)

You need:
- 40 gr. Old Amsterdam cheese (or other cheese), grounded fine
- 125 gr. corn grains (for the popcorn of course)
- 4 tbsp. melted butter
- 1 kl. chili powder
- Corn oil
- Garlic powder
- salt
- pan with cover (popcorn pot)

Heat a bottom of corn oil in a pan or pot. When the oil is good hot, do you have the popcorn grains in, until the entire bottom is covered. Reduce the heat. Put the lid on the pan (or pot) and wait until you hear the first grains 'POP'. If there are just a few seconds between the pops, your popcorn is ready. Remove from heat. Now mix the chili powder and garlic into the melted butter and drizzle over the popcorn. Stir well. Sprinkle the grounded cheese and again, stir well. Sprinkle, if needed, to taste, some salt over it.

Eat them,
The Veggi Lady
Check out my other blog!

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