dinsdag 23 april 2013


(for 6 pers., prepare:. + - 1h15, cool down time: + - 10 min.)

You need:
- 2 small eggplants, cut into 3 cm.
- 1 tsp. cumin seeds, toasted
- olive oil
- 1 ciabatta, halved horizontally
- 1 clove garlic, peeled and halved
- 125 gr. cherry tomatoes, halved
- 1/2 bunch spring onions, chopped
- 1 lemon, cut in half
- Extra virgin olive oil
- 3 tbsp. harissa (may be replaced by sambal)
- 1/2 bunch fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves picked off
- 70 gr. rocket salad
- 200 gr. goat cheese, crumbled
- 1 pomegranate, only use the seeds
- sea salt
- Black pepper
- A baking tray
- grill pan
- Large bowl
- Sealable jar or bottle
- a mortar



Preheat your oven to 180 ° C. and heat the grill pan over high heat. Place the eggplant cubes in a single layer on the baking sheet. Crush the cumin seeds in a mortar. Sprinkle the cumin over the eggplant cubes, with a good pinch of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Sprinkle with a few dashes of olive oil. Stir well and place in the oven. Roast for a 30 to 40 min., until the eggplant cubes are golden brown and sticky. Stir them again halfway. Meanwhile toast the bread in the hot griddle pan, until nicely streaked (you can also use a toaster or place it under the grill.). Rub the bread with the garlic. Tear the bread into bite-size pieces and put in large bowl. Add the chopped tomatoes and chopped spring onion to. Squeeze the juice of half the lemon in a clean, sealable jar or bottle. Pour 3x as much extra virgin olive oil with the lemonjuice. Generously add salt and pepper. Mix the harissa with the juice of the other half of the lemon in a bowl. Set aside. Let the eggplant cubes cool down for +- 10 min., then put into the bowl with the ciabatta, tomato and spring onion. Add the parsley leaves and rocket salad. Shake the jar (or bottle) with the dressing. Pour over the salad and toss gently. Spoon the salad on a plate and sprinkle the goat cheese on top. Sprinkle with a handful of pomegranate seeds and serve with the harissa.

Eat them,
Your Veggie Lady
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