dinsdag 9 april 2013


(for 4 pers., preparation: + - 55 min.)

You need:
- 240 gr. red lentils
- 1 cube broth
- 200 gr. carrots, peeled and cut into small cubes
- 1 sprig parsley, washed, dryed en pick off the leaves
- 50 gr. butter, cut in pieces
- Salt & pepper
- 2 cooking pots

Rinse the lentils. Then put the lentils in a pot with cold water and add the stock cube. Bring to the boil and leave to simmer for 20 min., on a low temperature. Take another cooking pot and fill with water and pinch of salt, toss in the diced carrots and bring to a boil, boil for 15 min., after cooking, drain the lentils and carrot cubes. Now put the pieces of butter in your cooking pot, add the lentils and carrot cubes, season with salt & pepper, and stir carefully . Reheat on a low heat for  + - 3 min. Serve in bowls and sprinkle with some parsley leaves.

(for 4 pers., preparation: + 1h., and + - 1/2 h. (at least) for the marinating.)

You need:
- 200 gr.haloumi (or feta cheese)
- 1 eggplant
- 1 zucchini
- 1 red onion
- 8 cherry tomatoes
- 8 sun-dried tomatoes
- 1/2 yellow paprika
- 1 clove of garlic
- 8 leaves laurel
- 1 tbsp. parsley, chopped
- 100 ml. olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- skrewers
- a bowl with lid or cover

Wash the vegetables. Cut the eggplant into cubes, the paprika and onion each into 8 pieces. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Cut the zucchini into thin slices and the haloumi (or feta) into cubes. The roll each block of haloumi (or feta) in 2 slices of zucchini. Prick the haloumi-zucchini packets, the vegetables and the laurel leafs on the skewers. Place the kebabs in a high, coverable bowl. Brush with olive oil and season with plenty of pepper and a little salt. Cover and let marinate for at least half an hour. After the marinating take out the kebabs. Peel and crush the garlic. Mix the crushed garlic and chopped parsley in the olive oil. Grill the kebabs until golden brown. Drizzle just before serving, with the olive oil mixture.

Eat them,
Your Veggie Lady
Check out my other blog!

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