vrijdag 31 mei 2013

Gluten free PUREE and STEW.

First a word of advice :

For people with gluten intolerance is gluten free flours available. That had to undergo an operation to remove the gluten fraction from the grain (= mostly wheat) You can always substitute the flour in a recipe with cornstarch or potato starch, though that's what "poor" in taste. Here are a few fuller alternatives: meal/ flour / semolina types from pure rice, corn, millet, buckwheat and quinoa are naturally gluten-free. You must be careful with the quantities for three tbsp. flower (as a binder in a sauce, for example) are not equivalent with the same amount of another binder. Of corn- or potatostarch you have, for example, use 1/6 less (so 2.5 instead of 3 spoons). If you use the full meal and semolina types, then you usually use 1/3 more (so 4 instead of 3 spoons). Only with rice flour, three tablespoons suffice. And it's also tasty for any vegetarian.


You need:
- 250 gr. millet (or rinse and rinse!)
- 7 dl. water (volume ratio of the grain-water = 1 - 2,5)
- 1 bay leaf
- Little nutmeg or mace (optional)
- 2 dl. salt
- 2 dl full milk, warm (70 ° C.)
- 20 gr. soft butter
- 1 to 2 tbsp. fresh lava- or celery- or leaf parsley-leaves, chopped (optional)
- Sieve
- A bowl
- pot
- mixer

Soak the millet with bay leaf and any other spices in a pot with water for 3 h. Then bring to the boil and let simmer on low heat for 20 minutes Add the salt and place the cooked millet, in a warm place for at least 1 h., to well further. Remove the bay leaf. Add just before serving (NOT if you gone place it in the fridge for the next day (for stew) or make stew out of it right away !!! Then just let it cool.), the warm milk and the butter and stir the millet brisk, so the grains should fall apart. Beat all until go become a fluffy mash. If you will serve it with the vegetables separately, then sprinkle with the fresh herbs.
You can pre-make more of this puree and put it in the refrigerate, so the next day you can make stew out of that.

MILLET stew.

You need:
- Your just made ​​millet mash
- 1 tbsp. curry
- 1 tsp. rosemary, crushed
- 1 large carrot or parsnip, grated
- 175 gr. mature cheese, grated or cut into small cubes
- 300 gr. endive (soft inner part), spinach, nettle or turnip tops, carved into thin stripes
- 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice
- 4 tbsp. roasted sunflower seeds

Heat the millet mash on a low heat. Add the milk and butter. Then stir in, away from the fire, the grated carrot or parsnip, the curry and rosemary. Beat it airy. Afterwards add the 300 gr. leafy vegetables of your choice and add the cheese. Spoon this all together, fast. Sprinkle the seeds over and serve at once, so the leafy vegetables are still nice and crispy.

Eat them,
The Veggie Lady
Check out my other blog!

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