zondag 19 mei 2013

Are you a big broccoli fan ? Well, here are a few recepies for you in the broccoli special.

(for 4 pers.)

You need:
- 800 gr. potatoes
- 1.5 kg. broccoli (or cauliflower), washed and cut into florets
- 400 ml. broth
- 150 gr. fresh cream cheese
- 2 tbsp. flower
- 100 ml. cream
- 1 tbsp. chive, finely chopped
- 1/2 to 1 tsp. curry powder
- Grated cheese
- Salt & pepper
- a baking dish (dimention: 32 cm. to 23 cm.)

Boil the potatoes and add, + - 10 minutes before the end of the cooking time, the broccoli florets. Drain and cut the potatoes into cubes. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Put the potatoes cubes and broccoli florets in the baking dish. Heat the broth and let the cream cheese in melt in the broth. Mix the flour with the cream and add to the sauce. Now bring to the boil. Stir in the chives. Season with curry powder and salt & pepper. Pour the sauce over the potatoes and broccoli in the baking dish. Sprinkle with the cheese and put in the oven. Bake for + - 20 min.

Done in a flash VEGETABLES and POTATO gratin.
(preparation: + - 1 hr.)

You need:
- 400 gr. potato, in slices (may be leftovers)
- 250 gr. broccoli florets (may be leftovers)
- 2 carrots, sliced ​​(may be leftovers)
- 250 gr. small tomatoes, washed and sliced
- 2 eggs
- 200 ml. cream
- 150 gr. cheese, grated 
- nutmeg
- Salt & pepper
- A buttered baking dish
- Possibly some leaf parsley, washed and leaves picked
- some veggie balls (that's what I used), already prepared and slightly baked

Cook all vegetables al dente. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Put the potatoes, vegetables and veggie balls in the buttered baking dish. Beat the eggs with the cream, nutmeg and salt & pepper. Pour over the vegetables and sprinkle with the cheese. Put in the oven for + - 30 min. Garnish with some parsley.
I prepared the potatoes, vegetables and veggie balls the day before. So I just had to put everything in the baking dish, put in the oven, and .............. READY IN A FLASH !!!

(for 4 pers., preparation: + - 35 min.)

You need:
- + - 700 gr. mushy potatoes, peeled and sliced
- 350 gr. broccoli florets
- A handful of sage leaves, finelly chopped
- 50 gr. pine nuts
- 100 gr. ricotta cheese
- 4 tbsp. olive oil
- nutmeg
- Salt & pepper
- A large pot with lid
- A pan with non-stick coating
- a little pan
- A masher

Put the sliced ​​potatoes in a large pot in lightly salted, cold water. Cover and let cook, count +- 10 min. cooking time from the time the water is boiling. Add the broccoli florets and cook for a further 8 min. Roast the pine nuts, without fat, in the pan with non-stick coating. Take the small pan, add some oil and fry the chopped sage leaves for 2 min. over low heat. Let the vegetables drain, throw some oil in the pot and add to this the drained vegetables, ricotta, nutmeg and pepper & salt. Mash everything well with the masher. Season to taste if needed. Now add the toasted pine nuts.
You can also do the mashed potatoes in a butterd baking dish, sprinkle it with the raw pine nuts and Parmesan cheese. Then cook in a hot oven till golden brown, about + - 15 min.

(for 4 pers., preparation: + - 1 hr.)

You need:
- 1 roll ready-made pizza dough
- 1 broccoli
- 2 onions, peeled and chopped
- 1 clove garlic, peeled and chopped
- 200 gr. mozzarella, grated
- 1 tbsp. tomato paste
- 2 tbsp. ketchup
- 1 tsp. Italian herbs
- olive oil
- nutmeg
- Salt & pepper
- A pot
- A deep pan
- A baking sheet lined with parchment paper
- a little water

Preheat the oven to 220 ° C. Put some oil in the pan and fry the onion and garlic until translucent. Stir in the tomato paste, ketchup and Italian herbs. Divide the broccoli in mini florets and boil (or steam) them al dente. Season with nutmeg and salt & pepper. Cover the pizza dough with tomato paste. Spread the onionmix en broccoli on one half of the pizza. Sprinkle with mozzarella and fold the other half over (so you get, indeed, a folded pizza ;-) ). Press the edges together with a fork. Moisten slightly with a little water. Place on the lined baking sheet and slide into the oven for + - 35 min. PRONTO !!
A calzone is a folded pizza. In Italy it is often sold as a lunch dish because you can eat it while your on the go.

Lukewarm Salad of POTATOES, GREEN BEANS and BROCCOLI with MUSTARD Vinaigrette.
(for 4 to 8 pers., preparation: + - 1/2 h.)

You need:
For the Mustard Vinaigrette:
- 3 tbsp. white wine vinegar
- 1 tbsp. dijon mustard (for a spicy tast)
- 3 tbsp. olive oil
- 3 shallots, chopped
- 1 tbsp. parsley, chopped
- 1 tbsp. chives, finely chopped and a few sprigs for garnish
- 1 tbsp. dill, finely chopped and a few sprigs for garnish
- a bowl
For the salad:
- 400 gr. new potatoes, scrubbed
- 300 gr. green beans
- 300 gr. broccoli, cut into florets
- Salt & pepper
- A cooking pot or steamer
- A bowl

For the mustard vinaigrette: Mix the white wine vinegar, mustard and pepper & salt in a bowl. slowly add the olive oil. Then add the shallots, parsley, chives and dill. Put this away in a cool place.
For the salad: Boil (or steam) the new, well scrubbed potatoes for 12 min. in lightly salted water. Drain. Do the same with the green beans and broccoli but only cook for 4 min. Let this drain to. Cut the drained, (hot !) potatoes in 4 and throw them in a bowl. Drizzle over the vinaigrette. Now add the green beans and broccoli. Garnish with the chives sprigs and the dill sprigs. A quick fix.

Vegetable Terrine.
(For 8 pers., preparation: + - 35 min.)

You need:
- 75 gr. carrots, washed, peeled and finely chopped
- 75 gr. courgettes, washed, peeled and finely chopped
- 75 gr. cauliflower, washed and finely chopped
- 75 gr. broccoli, washed and finely chopped
- 75 gr. peas, washed
- 75 gr. green beans, washed and finely chopped
- 75 gr. asparagus, washed, peeled and chopped
- 2 tsp. broth
- 10 gr. agar-agar
- Salt & pepper
- a mold

Cook the carrots, cauliflower and green beans for 5 min. in lightly salted boiling water. Drain but keep the liquid. Hold the already cooked vegetables under cold running water. Boil now the other vegetables in the recovered cooking liquid, cook for 3 min. Drain but again collect the used cooking liquid. Let 'scare' these vegetables also under cold water. Heat 80 cl. of the used liquid together with the broth, season to taste with salt & pepper. Now add the agar-agar. Stack the vegetables in a mold and pour in the bouillonmix. Leave to stiffen overnight, in the fridge. On the supreme moment get the terrine out of the mold and serve. Let the summer start !
If you used a metal mold, then just dip the mold in boiling hot water, so the terrine will come lose more easily out of the mold.

(For 4 pers., preparation: + - 35 min.)

You need:
- 240 gr. phyllo sheets (if from the freezer, let defrost !)
- 2 tsp. oil
- 450 gr. broccoli, washed en in florets
- 300 ml. milk, keep 1 tbsp aside
- 100 gr. herb cream cheese
- 2 tbsp. cornstarch
- 110 gr. Emmental cheese, grated
- 2 tsp. dijon mustard
- 8 cherry tomatoes, washed, drained and cut in halve
- Salt & pepper
- A kitchen brush
- A baking tray with non-stick or lined with a baking sheet
- A cooking pot
- A pan

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Cut each phylo sheet in halve and brush very thin with oil. Put 3 halved dough sheets together and form the edges so you have 4 small 'nests' that you can fill. Put them on the baking tray with non-stick coating or coated with a baking sheet and brush with oil. Place in the oven and bake for + - 10 min., until golden brown. Cook the broccoli florets for 5 min. and drain well. Heat the milk (except the 1 tbsp.) in a pan, add the herb cream cheese and stir well. Mixing the binder with the rest of the milk (the 1 tbsp), then add, while stirring, this to the cheese-milk mixture and allowed to thicken. Remove the pan from the heat. Stir half of the Emmental cheese with the mustard in the milk-cheese mixture. Season with salt & pepper. Stir the broccoli into the sauce, divide the mixture between the tarts, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and top with the halved cherry tomatoes. Place back in the oven and bake for another + - 10 min., until the cakes are golden brown. Serve with a green salad. Were are those guests ?

CHEESEfondue with Spring Vegetables.

You need:
- 500 gr. new, small potatoes, scrubbed
- 1 bunch young carrots, scrapped and cut the green a bit shorter
- 1 broccoli, in little florets
- 1 tbsp. chopped parsley
- a cooking pot
For the fondue:
- 1 onion, peeled and chopped
- 250 ml. cream
- 500 gr. mascarpone
- 50 gr. Parmesan cheese
- 50 gr. gruyere cheese, grated
- olive oil
- 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
- Salt & pepper
- a cooking pot with thick bottom

Put 2 tbsp. olive oil in the pot and cook the chopped onion until soft, over medium heat. Then reduce the heat. Add the cream, mascarpone, Parmesan and Gruyere and let melt gently, stirring, until the cheese has completly melted. Season with nutmeg and salt & pepper. Boil the potatoes in their skins until tender. Drain and mix with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. chopped parsley. Boil or steam the vegetables al dente (crisp). Serve the cheese fondue with the potatoes and vegetables. You can always get some other veggies if you choose. Play and have a good time !!
You can prepare the fondue aswell as the vegetables in advance. If you want to do the fondue you heat the vegetables, before serving, in the oven (microwave) and let the fondue, while stirring, melt over low heat. Have a cheezy good time !!!!

(for 4 pers.)

You need:
- 150 gr. onion, chopped
- Spanish 1 green pepper, seeded and chopped
- 1 clove garlic, peeled and chopped
- olive oil
- 1/2 l. broth
- 350 gr. broccoli, cut into florets
- 2 dl. coconut milk
- A touch of curry powder
- Salt & pepper
- A cooking pot
- a mixer


Put some olive oil in your pot and stew the onion, chilli and garlic. Pour in the broth. Bring to a boil and add the broccoli and coconut milk. Let simmer and then add a little curry powder and pepper & salt. Mix smooth. That easy.

BROCCOLI-Soup with CHEESE-Croutons.
(for 6 pers., preparation: + - 45 min.)

You need:
- 1 onion, peeled and chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
- 1 sprig rosemary (or 1/2 tsp dried rosemary.), washed, shaken dry ans chopped fine
- 250 gr. potatoes, peeled and cut in cubes
- 1.2 l. broth
- 450 gr. broccoli, florets and stalks
- 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
- Zest of one, preferably organic, lemon
- 30 gr. cream cheese
- 15 gr. blue cheese
- 1 bunch fresh chives, washed, shaken dry and coarsely chopped
- 1/2 baguette
- olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- 50 ml. water
- A cooking pot
- A mixer


Put a little oil in the pot and let the onion and garlic stew. Pour 50 ml. water and add the rosemary. Toss the potatoes in the broth and let  cook for + - 5 min. Now add the broccoli pieces, and the nutmeg and lemon zest. Season with salt & pepper. Bring back to the boil and let it cook for + - 15 min., until the broccoli is tender. Make sure to put no lid on the pot, otherwise the broccoli loses its beautiful green color ! Meanwhile, mix the cream cheese and blue cheese. Cut the baguette into 6 pieces. Roast them and let them cool. Brush each piece with the cheese mixture and set aside. Puree the soup until smooth and season to taste. Add some broth if the soup would be too thick. Divide the soup into 6 bowls and garnish with the cheese crouton. Sprinkle some chopped chives and serve.
You can always replace the potatoes by sweet potatoes but best add then about half a teaspoon of chili flakes.

Do you have a rest (300 ml.) of broccoli soup ? And also two broccoli florets left ? Then here is a surprising recipe:

(For 4 pers., preparation: + - 35 min.)

You need:
- 300 ml. rest of broccoli soup
- 2 broccoli florets (optional), cut in halve
- 2 eggs
- 2 egg yolks
- 30 gr. Parmesan cheese, grated
- 70 ml. fresh cream
- 2 tbsp. cornstarch
- A pinch of ground coriander
- 4 ovenproof ramekins, buttered
- Pepper & salt
- A big mixing bowl
- Some aluminum foil, buttered
- A large faitoutpan (= with thick bottom)
- hot water


Beat the eggs and the yolks in the mixing bowl, then add the leftover soup, grated cheese, cream and cornstarch. Season with salt & pepper and the coriander. Divide this preparation into the buttered ramekins and cover the ramekins with the buttered foil. Place the ramekins in the pan with thick bottom (the faitoutpan). Pour hot water into the pan, to the edge of the ramekins and bring to the boil. Gently let simmer for 30 min. Garnish with the half broccoli florets and serve. Ain't that special ?
You can also make this with some leftover broccoli soup: A bechamel where you replace the milk with the leftover soup. A  vegetable polenta with the soup as cooking fluid. A base for a pasta sauce, then add some fresh cooked vegetables to it.


You need:
- 500 gr. tagliatelle
- 1 head of broccoli, divided into florets
- 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
- 250 gr. mushrooms, brushed clean and sliced
- 2 carrots, scraped and thinly sliced
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- Cooking pot(s)
- some veggie mince (optional)

Cook the tagliatelle al dente, according to the instructions on the package (or use fresh). Cook also the broccoli florets until al dente. Put oil in a pan and sauté the onion (+ - 10 min.) Add the mushrooms and the carrots and let simmer for + - 10 min. Now add the already baked veggie mince in, if you have that. Put, in the end, the broccoli florets in a to warm through. Season with salt & pepper. Mix the pasta with the vegetables and serve.
I have tryed it with a bit of curry powder and a dash of cream. That was SSSSSOOOO incredible DARN YUMMY !!

(for 4 pers., preparation: + - 1.5 h.)

You need:
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 2 stalks celery, chopped
- 1 carrot, finely chopped
- 1/2 pack bok choy or spinach
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 teaspoon paprikapowder
- 1/2 of a cabbage or broccoliflorets
- 1/2 head endive
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste
- 1.5 l broth
- 200 gr. white beans (canned)
- Handful of pasta (any kind will do)
- the crust of a Parmesan cheese
- olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- some pesto (optional)
- cooking pot(s)

Cook the pasta. Let that drain. Sauté the onion, celery and carrot in olive oil in another pot. Add the stalks of the bok choy or spinach, the broccoli, garlic, paprikapowder, salt & pepper. Let stew for about 45 min., until softened. Push the vegetables aside in the pot and add the tomato puree. Let the paste fry slightly. Mix in the vegetables and pour in the broth. Add the endive and the crust of Parmesan cheese. Add the beans last, the pasta and the leaves of bok choy or spinach and remove the crust of Parmesan cheese. Season with salt & pepper and some olive oil, Serve, if you want, with a spoonful of pesto.

Well my Sweetypies, I hope I've inspired you with all this goodies ? But remember: play, experiment and just enjoy yourselves !!!! Till next time I hope ? Lots of love from your veggie lady.

Eat them,
The Veggie Lady
Check out my other blog!

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