woensdag 6 februari 2013


Dear Sweetypies, as promised, sauces ............ and more.
Cold sauces, warm sauces, dip, marinades et.

1) COLD:

A) PARSLEY OIL dressing.

You need:
- 2 tbsp. chopped parsley
- 1 clove garlic
- 4 tbsp. olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- A mortar

Add the parsley and garlic in a mortar and grind finely. Mix with olive oil and season with salt & pepper. Pour it over the salad just at the last moment !


You need:
- 6 large tomatoes
- 1 red pepper
- 1 onion
- 80 gr. tomato paste
- 200 ml. red wine vinegar
- 100 gr. sugar
- Cayenne peer
- cornstarch

- Splash water
- A sieve

Rinse the tomatoes. Peel the onion. Clean the peppers. Cut everything into pieces. Let the sugar melt with a little water on low heat. Add the tomatoes, peppers and onion and let it simmer. Add the vinegar and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Let simmer for half an hour, but stir regularly. Add the tomato puree and let simmer for another few minutes. Put the sauce through a sieve, and bind them, if necessary, with cornstarch. Pour them into a sealable bottle and store in the refrigerator.


You need:
- 2 plum tomatoes
- 1 onion
- 4 large cloves of garlic
- 4 red chillies
- 1 tbsp. honey
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- 4 tbsp. dried chili flakes
- 1 tsp. oregano
- Cumin
- 2 tbsp. oil
- salt

- a blender
- 250 ml. water

Stone the tomatoes and cut them into pieces. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Finely chop the chilli. Bring the water to a boil. Fry the onion, garlic, chili flakes and a pinch of cumin in the oil. Extinguish it with boiling water and leave for 15 min simmer. Season with lemon juice, honey and salt. Let cool a little. Pour the sauce into a blender along with the chilli, oregano and tomatoes and mix finely. Put back in the pot and let simmer for 15 minutes, stirring regularly. Season, if necessary. Usable both hot or cold.


You need:
- Juice of 1 orange
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 100 ml. white wine vinegar
- 180 gr. sugar
- 3 tbsp. tomato paste
- 1 tbsp. tomato ketchup
- 1 tbsp. cornstarch
- Salt & pepper

- 300 ml. water

Bring the water to a boil along with the orange juice, lemon juice and vinegar. Add the sugar to the mixture and stir until dissolved. Now add the tomato paste and ketchup. Season with salt & pepper. Bind with corn starch. Allow to cool before you put it in a sealable bottle.

2) DIPS:


You need:
- 3 large tomatoes
- 2 spring onions
- 1 red chilli (to taste)
- 1/2 bunch basil
- 2 tsp. olive oil
- Salt & pepper

Cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Snpper the spring onions and chilli. Chop the basil. Mix all ingredients with the olive oil and season with salt & pepper. Delicious as a sauce or dip. Hot or cold.

(for 4 pers., preparation: + - 10 min)

You need:
- 250 gr. frozen peas (or fresh)
- 100 gr. ricotta
- 3 sprigs of mint
- 2 sprigs tarragon
- juice of 1 lime
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 1/4 tsp. hot, spicy paprikapoder
- salt
- Mixer or blender

Blanch the peas in salted boiling water for + - 5 min. Drain and let them scare under cold water. Drain well. Mix the peas with the ricotta, salt and paprika. Do this in small bowls or one large bowl (depends on the number of persons you serve, the occasion of the purpace of the hummus). Clean your mixer bowl and mix now the mint and tarragon leaves with olive oil, lime juice and salt & pepper. Pour this now also in the bowl (or bowls) and turn the mixture, just a bit, but without mixing one mixture completely under the other. Serve as an aperitif with tortilla chips or as an appetizer with f.i. bread or others.TIP:
Hummus can  be made ​​with  f.i. chickpeas, sesame paste and garlic as basic ingredients. You can give it a personal touch to with f.i. zatar ( zaatarza'tarzatarzatrzattrzahatarzaktar or satar) is a generic name for a family of related Middle Eastern herbs from the genera Origanum (Oregano), Calamintha (Basil thyme), Thymus (typically Thymus vulgaris, i.e., Thyme), and Satureja (Savory)The name za'atar alone most properly applies to Origanum syriacum. It is also the name for a condiment made from the dried herb(s), mixed with sesame seeds, dried sumac, and often salt, as well as other spices. Used in Arab cuisine, both the herb and spice mixture are popular throughout the Middle East), cilantro or other fresh herbs. The best tip is again: dare to experiment, dear sweetypies of mine.

this is zatar

3) BBQ sauces :

(for 4 pers.)

You need:
- 1dl fond (to ones own choice, eg vegetables fond)
- 2 tablespoons finely chopped herbs
- 150 gr. mascarpone
- lemon juice
- Salt & pepper

Warm the fond gently to just above room temperatuur and than add the herbs. Leave it a few minutes , gently stir in the mascarpone. Season with lemon juice, salt & pepper.


Mix 150 gr. finely chopped herbs of your choice (chives, chervil, parsley, tarragon, mint od) with 2 eetlepls yogurt, a dash of tarragon vinegar, salt & pepper, pinch of ginger powder and 2 dl. cream.

Peel and pitted some tomatoes. Mix the zaajes of the tomatoes with a tablespoon of tomato paste, a splash of white wine and some garlic powder. Strain and mix with 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, 2 dl. cream, a little paprika, pinch cayenepeper, salt & pepper, 2 tbsp. chopped basil and diced tomatoes meat.


Mix 5 dl. mayo with 2 dl. cream, 2 eetlp. mustard and 1 tbsp. mustard seeds (which you have previously soaked in broth).


Mix a large boiled and mashed mashed potato with etl. mustard, 2 dl. olive oil, 5 cloves crushed garlic, 3 dl. cream, salt & pepper and a pinch of cayenne pepper.


(for 2.5 l. sauce)

You need:
- 3.5 kg. roma tomatoes (see info below!)
- 250 gr. shallots
- 100 ml. olive oil
- 6 cloves of garlic
- 6 sprigs of thyme
- 4 sprigs parsley
- 3 sprigs rosemary
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 kl. sugar
- Salt & pepper

Peel the tomatoes and get the pitts out of them, cut them into pieces. Peel and chop the shallots and garlic. Tie the thyme, parsley, rosemary and bay leaves together into a bouquet garni (yep, that is a bouquet garni, my sweetpypies!). Fry the shallots glazed in 100 ml. olive oil. Add the garlic and cook briefly most oven. Stir in the chopped tomatoes and lay there now in the bouquet garni in. Sprinkle with the sugar and season with salt & pepper. Reduce the heat and let the Suas without lid on the pot simmer for 1 hour. Remove the bouquet garni out and bring the sauce to taste at will (you can always add some hot spices as you wish as pili-pili or cayenne pepper.). Do you want to keep the sauce? Divide about (spotless!) Little jar and screw tightly immediately. Allow them to cool. These are stable for up to 8 months in a cool, dry place. You can of course always freeze in freezer boxes
ROMA TOMATO, we also call them plum tomatoes or pomodori. Roma tomatoes are nice red inside, tastes sweet and contain few seeds. This makes them great in sauce and soup. Because they are so sturdy, they are also perfect for salads.

B) One Old fashioned ONIONSAUCE.

You need:
- 2 onions per person [or more depending on the appetite ;-)]
- butter
- water
- stock-cube
- Flour or sauce binder
- A tbsp. vinegar
- milk
- bay leaf

Chop the onions and fry in butter. Pour some water and add the stock-cube. When the onions are translucent, pour the milk and leave to boil. Bind with flour or sauce binder, add the bay leaf, and let it boil. Season with pepper. Add, away from the fire, (if the onion sauce has stop cooking !!) a tbsp. of vinegar. And don't forget to remove the bay leaf.

C) Another way to make ONIONSAUCE:

You need:
- 4 onions
- 1 tbsp. flower
- 500 ml. broth
- Vinegar
- butter
- bay leaf
- Salt & pepper

Peel the onions and cut into half rings. Bake until golden brown in butter. Sprinkle with flour and stir to. Pour, stirring the broth. Add the bay leaf and let simmer for + - 20 min Season with a little vinegar and salt & pepper. Remove the bay leaf !

5) 3 kind of MARINADES (on the same basis):

A) Marinade of YOGURT and CORIANDER.
(for 1 pers., preparation for the base only: + - 15 min)

You need:
- 125 gr. stirred yoghurt
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 2 tbsp. cilantro, finely chopped
- 1 tsp. ground coriander seeds
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- Salt & pepper
- any veggieproduct of your choice (f.i.: balls)

Mix the yogurt with olive oil, fresh coriander, ground coriander, garlic and salt & pepper. Brush now you veggieballs (or other) and put them in a well closable plastic bag. Place cool aside for at least 3h.. Dab your veggieballs (o.a.) good dry before you put it on the grill.

 B) BEER-marinade.

You need:
- 1.5 dl. dark abbey beer (preferably Belgian!)
- 2 tbsp. soy sauce
- 1 shallot, finely chopped
- 1 orange, zest and juice
- 1 tbsp. ginger, grated
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1/4 tsp. pilipili flaked
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- Salt & pepper  
- veggieproduct of your choice

Bring the beer to a boil along with the soy sauce, shallot, the zest and juice of the orange, ginger, garlic, pilipili flakes and salt & pepper. Add the olive oil. Reduce heat and let simmer for 3 min. Let cool slightly. Pour into a well-closable plastic bag and put your veggieproduct of choice also in it. Leave, at least for 1h., marinate in a cool place. Pat then you veggieproduct well of for you grill it.

C) Marinade WHITE WINE and CAPERS.

You need:
- 1 dl. white wine
- 4 tbsp. olive oil
- Juice of 1 lemon
- Several drops of tabasco
- 1 tbsp. capers, rinsed and mashed
- 2 tbsp. parsley, finely chopped
- Salt & pepper
- Veggieproduct of your choice

Mix in a bowl, the white wine, olive oil, lemon juice, Tabasco sauce, capers, parsley and salt & pepper. Pour the marinade into a good sealable plastic bag and add your veggieproduct. Put aside for at least 1h. in a cool place. Pat dry before you want to put on the grill.

Eat them, 
The Veggi Lady

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