dinsdag 20 november 2012


(preparation = + - 20 minutes, cooking time = + - 1 minute)


You need
- Hiziki (seaweed)
- 1 zucchini
- 2 tomatoes (and their juice)
- 1 spring onion
- walnuts
- walnut oil
- soy sauce
- olive oil
- lime

Take a handful of dried hiziki (see tip), rinse well under running water and let soak for 10 minutes in cold water. Wash the zucchini well. Peel it with a vegetable peeler with teeth so you get fine strands like spaghetti. Use only the hard outer portion of the zucchini, so stop when you're by the seeds ! Put the strings in a bowl, pour in a good splash of walnut oil and the juice of half a lime and season with salt & pepper. Set this aside. Cut the tomatoes into quarters, remove the seeds (do it over a sieve and collect the juice for the sauce). Cut the flesh into small cubes. Chop the spring onion finely and mix with the chopped tomatoes. Pour a little olive oil and set it aside also. Cook the hiziki about 15 minutes in the water in which they soaked in. Drain and mix with the zucchinistrings. Mix the tomato juice with the juice of half a lime, a good splash of olive oil and some soy sauce. Season with salt & pear. Do not use too much salt because the soy sauce is already salty! Put on each plate some zucchinistrings with hiziki, spoon some of the tomato and spring onion mixture over it and garnish with some walnuts. Serve the sauce separately

This is seaweed with a nutty flavor. Like most seaweeds hiziki contains many minerals (even more iron than a steak!) And 10 times as much calcium as milk  of the same category. It also contains iodine, that many people have a shortage of. When cooking hiziki sets about five times  as its original volume so best keep this in mind. Hiziki is for sale in a biological shop or toko.

Eat them,
The Veggi Lady
Check out my other blog!

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