zaterdag 24 november 2012

't EETHUIZEKE part 2

Hey sweetypies,

Do you remember that I told you, a while ago, about a new snackbar : "T EETHUIZEKE" ?? Apparently the address is: Kapellestraat 75D to 2630 Aartselaar, located in the front part of the Stijn Streuvelslaan, Belgium. (It's not far from Antwerp.)
Recently they opened from 7am to 17h instead to 16h. ! Open one hour longer so, one more hour to go there yummy!

Here I add a picture of a pretty good veggie salad.

Some remarks (to nitpick) are:

- In place of the grated carrots, I would rather opt for a mixture of pieces of carrot and peas. But that is my preference.
- I do not understand why there nines a variety of vegetables on doing such as: pepper pieces, small pieces of cheese, cauliflower florets or the like.
But like I said, that's nitpicking, huh;-)

And this is a picture of a large roll:

And believe me it are BIG sandwiches, this one is 36 cm. long !!!
Myself, i can only eat one small sandwich or a medium when i'm really hungery, though i'm not a small eater, And i don't do diets, i try to eat healthy.
Although now & then you must sin big time , right sweeties? LOL!

This is the menu:


The price / performance ratio is very good we think.
I would say, what are you waiting for ??
We wish Farah in any case a mega success, you go girl!

Much love from the veggie-lady,

Check out my other blog!

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