vrijdag 16 november 2012


(for 2 liters)

You need
- 5 onions
- 1 leek (white part only!)
- 1/2 celery branch
- Butter or oil
- Bouquet garni (= parsley, thyme and bay leaf)
- Handful fresh white breadcrumbs
- Salt & pepper

For diablotines:
- 2 slices of toast bread 1/2 inch. thickness
- butter
- Fruit pulp (from the strainer)
- Grated cheese
- Salt & pepper

Peel the onions and chop them coarsely. Wash the leek and celery and cut into coarse pieces. Put some butter in a pot (or heat some oil) and fry the onion and vegetables, moisten with the broth. Season with salt & pepper, Add the bouquet garni and cook on low heat until tender. Remove the bouquet garni and pour the soup through a food mill, absorbs the moisture back into the pot. Bring the collected fluid to boil and don't remember to check the seasoning. Foam and fit with a knob of butter. Cut the toast in diamonds or circles, spread butter on the parts and color it in the pan. Discard the drained vegetables mixture from the strainer in a bowl. Then add a little butter, salt & pepper to the vegetable mixture. Spread some of the vegetable puree on to the baked toast. Sprinkle the bread with the grated cheese and gratineer under the grill. Those are the diablotines. Ladle the soup into soup plates and add a few of the diablotines.
The rest of the soup you can always freeze when it has cooled.

Eat them,
The Veggi Lady
Check out my other blog!

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