zondag 11 augustus 2013

RICOTTA-herb omelette on toast. Turkish Karniyarik (= stuffed aubergines). Asparaguscream soup with DRAGON. Cannelloni with FETA and MUSHROOMS. Greek veggieballs. And a few desserts and cocktails.

Hey my Sweetypies,
here I am again with some mouthwatering recipes. And offcourse some cocktails    ;-)

RICOTTA-herb omelette on toast.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 20 min.)

You need:
- A handful of parsley, washed, dried, leaves removed and chopped
- A handful of chervil, washed, dried, leaves removed and chopped
- A handful of watercress, washed, dried and chopped
- 200 gr. ricotta
- 4 eggs
- butter
- 8 slices of bread
- Salt & pepper
- A protruding ring or glass
- Large pan with non-stick coating
- A cutting board
- Bowl (s)

Beat the ricotta and the mix the chopped parsley, chervil and watercress with the ricotta. Beat this mixture along with the eggs to a foamy mass. Generously season with salt & pepper. Heat a knob of butter in a large non-stick pan, pour the mixture into the pan and let simmer gently to the top also has solidified. (Iff you use a small pan then bake several times.) Insert meanwhile eight laps from the bread slices and toast them shortly (you can do that in the oven, for example.). Let the omelette slide on to the cutting board and stabe with the same protruding ring or glass also eight laps from the omelet. Put them on top of the toast circles and decorate, if you will, with some parsley.

Turkish Karniyarik (= stuffed aubergines).
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 1u.)

You need:
- 2 large eggplants, washed
- 3 tomatoes, washed and diced
- 1 red chilli, washed, deseeded and fijngenipperd
- 2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
- 1 onion, peeled and chopped
- 4 sprigs thyme, leaves zipped off
- 250 gr. couscous
- 5 tbsp. pitted black olives, chopped
- 40 gr. parmesan, grated
- olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- Bowl (s)
- A large pan or pot
- A casserole

Halve the eggplants and scoop out to within 1 cm. of the shell. Chop the eggplant pulp coarsley. Sprinkle the hollowed out eggplant with salt and let rest for 1/2 hour. Rinse and pat dry. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Make the couscous according to package directions. Fry the onion and garlic in olive oil, add the eggplant flesh and chilli. Let simmer for + - 5 min. and then add the tomatoes, olives, thyme and couscous. Season with pepper & salt. Fill the eggplant halves with the mixture and place in the casserole. Slide them in the oven for 20 to 25 min. Work for serving of with the parmesan and possibly with some green.

Asparaguscream soup with DRAGON.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 40 min.)

You need:
- 600 gr. white asparagus, peeled, hard tip cut off
- 1 bunch tarragon, rinsed, dried, like four separate twigs and leaves the rest zipper and finely
- 1/2 onion, peeled and chopped
- 1 shallot, peeled and chopped
- 30 gr. flower
- 55 gr. butter
- 150 ml. cream
- 60 ml. milk
- Salt & pepper
- 2 cooking pots
- Bowl (s)
- Serving bowls
- a mixer
- A measuring cup

Cook the asparagus in salted water for + - 10 min. Remove them from the water and cut them into pieces but reserving the cooking liquid. Put some butter in the second cooking pot and fry the onion and shallot until translucent. Sprinkle with the flour and let it simmer. Pour, stirring, 800 ml. of the asparagus cooking water over. Add the asparagus and tarragon and let cook for + - 15 min. Take the soup away from the heat and mix fine. Add, while mixing, the milk and season with salt & pepper. Put back on the heat and cook for 10 min., stirring regularly. Stir the cream into the soup, divide the soup into the serving bowls and garnish with a sprig of tarragon.

Cannelloni with FETA and MUSHROOMS.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 50 min.)

You need:
- 8 large cannelloni
- 500 gr. mushrooms, dry brushed and sliced
- 1 leek, washed and sliced
-1 Handful of spinach, washed, dried and coarsely chopped
- 1 onion, peeled and chopped
- 1 clove garlic, peeled and chopped
- 200 gr. feta, crumbled
- 2 eggs
- 200 ml of cream
- butter
- olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- nutmeg
- cooking pot
- casserole
- Bowl (s)

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Fry the mushrooms in butter for 2 min., add the leek rings and let fry for a while. Add the spinach and let dwindle. Remove the pot from the heat and throw half the crumbled feta in. Stir well and season with pepper & salt. Grease the baking dish with oil. Fill, the uncooked, cannelloni with the mixture and place in the greased dish. Beat the eggs with the cream and season with nutmeg and salt & pepper. Pour over the cannelloni, throw the rest of the crumbled feta over and put in the oven for + - 25 min
You do not have to precook the cannolli. Make sure that the pasta tubes around surrounded well with the sauce, so they can absorb moisture. This dish is even better if you have prepared him the day before and warm it up if you want to serve him. Is also pretty easy if you have guests, right?

Greek veggieballs.
(For 6 pers., Preparation: + - 1h.)

You need:
- 800 gr. veggie mince
- 2 carrots, peeled and cut into small pieces
- 2 yellow or orange paprika, washed, dried, seeded and cut into pieces
- 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped
- 1 clove garlic, peeled and finely chopped
- 2 tbsp. milk
- 100 gr. raisins
- 400 gr. chopped tomatoes (with basil, canned)
- Some basil (if you can not find canned crushed tomatoes with basil)
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 1/2 tsp. thyme, dried
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp. cumin
- Cayenne
- Salt & pepper
- Bowl (s)
- A pan
- A cooking pot
- Pasta, rice or wheat grains, that's your own choise

Mix the garlic under the veggiemince along with the raisins, milk, thyme, cinnamon and cumin. Roll into balls the size of a ping-pong ball. Heat 1 tbsp. olive oil in the pan and fry the balls until golden brown on all sides. Continue baking over a medium heat for + - 15 min. Keep warm. Heat 1 tbsp. oil in the cooking pot and fry the onion, add the pieces of paprika and carrot and let simmer while stirring. Now add the chopped tomatoes (and basil) along with half a can of water. Late again, gently, simmer for 25 to 30 min. Mix the sauce smooth and ling, if necessary, with water. Season with salt & pepper and cayenne pepper. Serve with pasta, rice or wheat grains.

LEMON-meringue pie.
(For 8 people, Preparation:. + - 1 1/2h.)

You need:
For the cake:
- 1 pack shortcrust pastry (ready-to-eat)
- 185 ml. lemon juice, fresh
- 160 gr. sugar
- 185 ml. cream
- 3 eggs, beaten
- Bowl (s)
- A buttered cake pan
- baking paper
- Baking beans
- A big heatproof bowl
- Pot with water, just not boiling
- A whisk
- A sieve
For the meringue:
- 400 gr. sugar
- 7 proteins
- Few tbsp. water
- A clean saucepan
- An electric beater or food processor
- Bowl (s)
- A cream brulee-burner (or grill)

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Line the buttered pie dish with shortcrust pastry, cutting the edges off. Cover the dough with parchment paper and sprinkle the baking beans over the baking paper. Put in the oven and bake for 10 min.,  the remove the baking paper and baking beans and bake again for 10 min. (which is called "blind baking": baking the dough before you add the filling.) Mix the lemon juice with the sugar in a heatproof bowl over a pot of just not boiling water. Heat it, while stirring, until the sugar has dissolved. Add the cream and the eggs and keep stirring for 5 min. Pour the mixture through a sieve into the pie dish. Place in the oven for + - 25 min., then let cool completely. To make the meringue you pour the sugar in the clean saucepan with a few tablespoons of water. Bring to a boil and wait until the sugar is completely melted, DO NOT stir !! Meanwhile, beat the egg whites in a large bowl until they are light and frothy, but not stiff. Use than the electric beater or food processor to beat it stiff. The sugar in the saucepan must be resolved and have bubbled for a few minutes, but should not be yellowbrown. Remove from heat and pour the melted sugar, in a thin stream, with the egg beaten whites. Continue beating until you have soft, firm and glossy peaks. Scoop ​​the meringue on the lemon tart and burn the top, shortly, with the cream brulee burner or place, very briefly, under a hot grill.

Ice cream gateau with RED BERRIES.
(Preparation: + - 80 min. and freeze: + - 6h.)

You need:
For the pastry:
- 350 gr. marzipan
- 3 eggs
- 3 tbsp. flower
- A tin of 24 cm.
- baking paper
- A blender
- A rolling pin
For the filling:
- 4 egg yolks
- 5 tbsp. sugar
- 300 gr. fromage
- 250 ml. cream
- 150 gr. white chocolate, some of it grated for finishing
- 350 gr. red berries, washed, keep some aside for finishing, other zipped off
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- A spatula
- A pot of boiling water (for the au-bain-marie)
- Bowl (s)
- A knife

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Line the tin with baking paper. Put the marzipan together with the eggs and flour in a blender and blend until crumbly. Shape into a ball, roll out and line the form with it. Bake in the oven for 30 min. and allow to cool. Beat the egg yolks for the filling with 3 tbsp. sugar au-bain-marie until it's a thick, white foam. Mix with the fromage. Whip the cream until stiff and fold him through. Divide it into two. Let the chocolate (not the part you grated for the garnish ) melt in au-bain-marie and mix it with one half of the fromage mixture. Spread this mixture over the pastry and place in the freezer for 1h. Crush the red berries (except that you keep to the garnish) with the remaining sugar and lemon juice. Spoon into the other half of the fromage mixture. Spread over the cake and smooth with the knife. Put back in the freezer for 5 h. Take the cake out of the freezer 10 min. before you are going to serve them and garnish with berries and chocolate chips.

Martini Bellini cocktail.

You need:
- 1 bottle of Martini Prosecco, chilled
- 4 ripe peaches, peeled, stone removed and chopped
- Juice of 2 lemons
- 10 cl. cane syrup
- A sieve
- Flute glasses, chilled
- stirrer

Put the peach pieces in a blender together with the cane sugar syrup and lemon juice and grind it into a puree. Push the puree through a sieve. Fill each glass for 1/3 with the peach juice and fill with the Martini. Stir.
Make the peach juice in advance and place it cold in the fridge.

Rumba Rum cocktail.
(For 4 glasses.)

You need:
- 24 cl. rum
- 4 cl. triple sec
- 40 cl. fresh orange juice, chilled
- 2 slices of orange, cut in half
- 4 sprigs fresh mint, washed and dried
- ice cubes
- 4 longdrink glasses, well chilled

Fill each longdrink glass with ice cubes and pour in the rum and triple sec. Pour in the fresh orange juice and garnish with a sprig of mint and a half slice of orange.

Citrus-rose cocktail.
(For 4 glasses)

You need:
- 32 cl. rose, chilled
- 24 cl. orange juice, chilled
- 4 cl. citrus fruit syrup, chilled
- 2 slices of orange, cut in half
- ice cubes
- 4 longdrink glasses, well chilled

Put the ice cubes in longdrink glasses. The pour in the rose, the syrup and orange juice. Garnish with half a slice of orange

Warming up cocktail.
(For 4 glasses)

You need:
- 16 cl. orange vodka
- 6 cl. Cointreau, chilled
- 6 cl. fresh lime juice, chilled
- Sparkling water, chilled
- ice cubes
- 4 sprigs of mint, washed and dried
- 4 fambozen, washed
- A shaker
- 4 cocktail glasses, chilled
- 4 cocktail sticks


Pour the vodka, Cointreau, lime juice and ice in the shaker. Shake until it is well blended. Pour in the glasses and dilute with a splash of sparkling water. Prick the raspberry on a cocktail stick and insert into the cocktail, garnish with mint.

I wanna tell you that my pain and fatigue are getting worse and I fear for my beloved blog and Sweetypies. I keep doing my best for as long as I can. Please, sent me some of your positive energy!
So I hope to see you next time, my Sweetypies ?

Eat them,
The Veggie Lady
Check out my other blog!

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