zondag 18 augustus 2013

QUINOA Salad with WHITE GRAPES and LEMON Vinaigrette. Greek salad with PAPRIKA yogurt. RED CABBAGE vinaigrette. CHICKPEA Burger with CUCUMBER Salad. Quiche with MOZZARELLA, PAPRIKA and ZUCCHINI. Skewers of grilled HALOUMI. Also 2 mocktails and 2 cocktails. CHEERS !!!

QUINOA Salad with WHITE GRAPES and LEMON Vinaigrette.

You need:
- 150 gr. quinoa, already cooked
- 1 pinch cayenne pepper
- 250 gr. white grapes, washed and halved
- Three young onions, peeled and finely chopped
- 1/2 cucumber, washed and cut into slices
- 1 bunch radishes, washed and sliced
- 4 soup plates or bowls
For the vinaigrette:
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- Zest and juice of 1 lemon
- 1 clove garlic, peeled and chopped
- Salt & pepper
- a bowl

Divide the quinoa, grapes, onions, cucumbers and radishes on the deep plates or bowls. Sprinkle with a pinch of cayenne pepper. Add all ingredients together in a bowl and stir well. Spoon some of the vinaigrette over the salad. You can, if you wish the signs garnish with a mint leaf. Presto!!

Greek salad with PAPRIKA yogurt.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 40 min.)

You need:
- 250 gr. tomatoes, washed, dried and halved
- 1 cucumber, washed, dried and cut into thin slices
- 1 red onion, peeled and cut into half rings
- Handful of baby spinach leaves, washed and dried
- 2 red paprika, washed, halved, seeds and pith removed
- 300 ml. Greek yogurt
- 250 gr. feta, crumbled
- 5 gr. pitted olives
- 1 egg
- 200 ml. olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- Bowl (s)
- A blender
- The oven
- A hand blender
- 4 plates

Preheat the grill to 180 ° C, place the halved paprika, cut side down, under the grill until the skin is blackend black. Remove from the oven and let cool. (You can peel the grilled paprika much easier if you immediately stop them from the oven in a sealable box or freezer bag and let it cool in the bag or box !) Once cooled you peel the paprika and cut them into pieces. Put them together with the yogurt in a blender and blend smooth. Season with pepper & salt. Add the olives and egg in a bowl, pour slowly, olive oil and mix with a hand blender until you have a smooth mayonnaise. Season with salt & pepper. Arrange all vegetables on the 4 plates, sprinkle with the crumbled feta cheese and garnish with tufts of olive mayonnaise and paprika yogurt. 

RED CABBAGE vinaigrette.

You need:
- 4 apples, peeled and cut into fine brunoise
- 5 red beets, washed
- 300 ml. groundnut oil
- 100 ml. wine vinegar
- Salt & pepper
- The oven
- A spoon
- A mixer or blender
- Bowl (s)

These veggies or cut in brunoise, so cut in to small cubes.

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C., pof 2 beetroot in the oven for 6 minutes Allow to cool and remove the flesh from the shell with a spoon. Mix the pulp and add the oil and vinegar, vermiculite while mixing, add. Cut the other three red beets, like the apples in a small brunoise (see picture.). Add the brunoise to the vinaigrette and season with salt & pepper.

CHICKPEA Burger with CUCUMBER Salad.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 30 min.)

You need:
- 300 gr. chickpeas, canned, rinsed
- 1 cucumber, rinsed and sliced
- 3 spring onions, washed and cut into small rings
- 1 onion, peeled and chopped
- 4 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
- Handful of coriander, washed, dried
- 1 tbsp. chopped mint
- 1 tbsp. chopped parsley
- 1 tbsp. chopped chives
- Juice of 1/2 lemon
- 1 preserved lemon, chopped
- 100 ml. Greek yogurt
- 2 tbsp. sesame paste
- 4 tortillas
- 1/2 tsp. cumin
- 2 tbsp. sesame seeds
- olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- A pan
- Bowl (s)
- A blender
- The oven

Put some oil in the pan and fry the onion and garlic in there and let cool slightly. Add the chickpeas and coriander in a blender and mix fine. Mingle this mixture with the onion and garlic mixture,  the sesame paste, the lemon juice, the cumin and salt & pepper and shape into small burgers. Put the cucumber slices, spring onion, onion and preserved lemon in a bowl and blend. Add oil and pepper & salt. Heat the oven. Mix the yogurt with the chopped green herbs and season with salt & pepper. Heat the tortillas in the oven. Put oil in pan and fry the burgers until golden brown, on both sides. Serve with the tortillas, the cucumber and the yogurt and garnish with sesame seeds, olive oil and a sprig of parsley or mint, if you want.

(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 30 min.)

You need:
- 1 sheet puff pastry
- 3 eggs, beaten
- 250 ml. cream
- 2 tsp. dried basil
- 125 gr. mozzarella, cut into pieces
- 1/2 red parika, washed, seeds removed and cut into strips
- 1/2 yellow paprika, washed, seeds removed and cut into strips
- 1/2 green paprika, washed, seeds removed and cut into strips
- 1/2 zucchini, washed and cut into cubes
- Salt & pepper
- A cake pan
- baking paper
- Bowl (s)
- The oven
- A fork

Preheat the oven to 190 ° C. Place the baking sheet in the form and then spread it over the pastry out. Pierce the dough with a fork. Add the beaten eggs with the cream and season with salt & pepper and dried basil. Mix the eieremixture with the vegetables and pour in the cake pan. Place in the oven for + - 30 minutes and serve hot. Serve with a salad.

Skewers of grilled HALOUMI.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 20 min.)

You need:
- 200 gr. haloumikaas, sliced
- Cherry tomatoes of different sizes (and color too if you want), washed
- 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed (with garlic press)
- Some fresh mint leaves, washed, dried
- Juice of 1/2 lemon
- Some dried oregano
- olive oil
- Bowl (s)
- skewers
- The oven, grill or BBQ
- A serving bowl

Mix the garlic, lemon juice and olive oil to a marinade. Grill the haloumi until golden brown on both sides (oven, grill or barbecue) and cut them into cubes. Coat with the marinade and let them cool. Prick the haloumiblokjes together with cherry tomatoes on skewers. Arrange the skewers on the serving dish and sprinkle with mint leaves and oregano.

WATERMELON Breeze mocktail.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 10 min.)

You need:
- 1 small watermelon, peeled, seeds removed and cut into small pieces
- 120 ml. coconut water (preferably a fresh coconut)
- Juice of 1 lime
- ice cubes
- 4 glasses, well chilled
- A blender
- straws

Put the watermelon pieces with the coconut water, lime juice and a few ice cubes in the blender and blend until smooth. Put some ice cubes in the glasses and pour in the drink. Serve with a straw.

STRAWBERRY sunrise mocktail.
(For a carafe)

You need:
- 12 cl. strawberry syrup
- 12 cl. lemon juice
- 32 cl. orange juice
- Gecrusht ice
- Small strawberries, washed, dried with stems
- a carafe
- straws
- Glasses, well chilled

Pour all the juices and syrup in the carafe, add the gecrushte ice and stirr well. Pour into glasses, garnish with a strawberry and straw.

Sea Breeze cocktail.
(For a carafe.)

You need:
- 18 cl. vodka
- 36 cl. cranberry juice
- 12 cl. grapefruit juice
- ice cubes
- Slices of lemon or grapefruit
- straws
- A carafe
- glasses, well chilled

Put some ice cubes in the jug, then pour all beverages in, stir well. Throw some ice cubes in the glass and pour the drink over it. Garnish with a slice of lemon (or grapefruit) and a straw.

Crispy Sensation cocktail.
(For a carafe.)

You need:
- 18 cl. cucumber gin
- 16 cl. apple juice
- 8 cl. lime juice
- 8 cl sugar
- A shaker
- ice cubes
- Pieces of cucumber
- A carafe
- straws
- glasses, well chilled

Add the gin, the two kinds of juice and sugar in a shaker and shake firmly. Put the preparation in the carafe or glasses and add ice cubes. Decorate with pieces of cucumber and a straw.

Eat them,
The Veggie Lady
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