vrijdag 28 september 2012


CowboyMash Recipe

The puree:
1 1/2 kg mushy potatoes
dash of milk
pepper, salt, nutmeg, cayenne pepper, ginger, coriander and Garlic (fresh or powdered)

2 onions
1 green, 1 yellow and 1 red paprika
a can of (or fresh) sweet corn
a little bit of olive oil or butter

and a few eggs: 1 or 2 eggs per person (own opinion) + cream or milk
+ pepper and salt

Make the puree ready, I don't need to extend about that because almost everyone can make that!
Or you can use a prepared one... Keep the puree warm. Peel the onions and cut them, also the washed and pitted paprika's, in equally large pieces. Heat the olive oil or butter up in a pot and let them there with the onions and paprika's thread. Add the corn and  let it warm up.

Make an omelet with the eggs & cream (or milk). Add some salt and pepper. You can choose and add other spices as well. Be adventurous. Cut the omelet in pieces afterwards or you squash it with a fork.

After everything is done you add, before you serve it, it all together. The puree, the mixed vegetables and the omelet.

For Non-Vegetarians: You can always serve some hamburgers or something else with it, naturally, that way they don't need to stand in the cold.

Eat them
The Veggi Lady

tip: Try experimenting with other vegetables and spices
Look at my other blog about movies
note: the recipes on this blog aren't own inventions, the gratitude goes to the creator of this recipe.

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