zaterdag 29 september 2012


Seeing the fact we gave a recipe for food we also want to give you a tasteful sauce with it.
It may also be tasteful with vegeballs if you have them!

The Ultimate Vegejus
You need:
- Vegetable oil
- 3 red onions, peeled and sliced
- 3 medium carrots, peeled, coarsely chopped
- 3 stalks celery, coarsely chopped
- 1 small fennel bulb, sliced
- 4 garlic cloves, peeled
- few springs of fresh thyme
- 3 fresh bay leaves
- 200 g okra (toko), roughly chopped
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 2 herbal nails
- 2 (organic) vegetable stock cubes
- 1 tin chopped tomatoes 400 g

Put a large wide pan on medium heat and add a dash of oil. Add the onion, carrot, celery, fennel and garlic and and stir so it will become covered by the oil. Let it simmer for 20 min. with the the lid on the pan until all vegetables are soft then add the thyme and bay leaf and cook until everything is deep brown. You want de arkest color that you can get without burning the vegetables, so keep an eye on the pan and stire from time to time. Add the okra, cinnamon stick and cloves. Add 1 1/2 boiling water, crumble the cubes on top with the tomato. Bring it to boil, turn the heat to low and let it simmer for 30 minutes until the sauce has reduced and slightly thickened. Taste and flavor it with seasalt and feshly ground black pepper. Pour the contents of the pan through a sieve into a bowl, press everything that gives flavor to the gravy through with a wooden spoon . Remove the sieve that stayed behind and pour your juice in a jug and leave it to cool. Put it, untill you need it, in the refrigerator covered with a plastic wrap.
Preparation + - 1 hour and 20 min

Eat them,
The Veggi Lady
Check out my other blog!

vrijdag 28 september 2012


CowboyMash Recipe

The puree:
1 1/2 kg mushy potatoes
dash of milk
pepper, salt, nutmeg, cayenne pepper, ginger, coriander and Garlic (fresh or powdered)

2 onions
1 green, 1 yellow and 1 red paprika
a can of (or fresh) sweet corn
a little bit of olive oil or butter

and a few eggs: 1 or 2 eggs per person (own opinion) + cream or milk
+ pepper and salt

Make the puree ready, I don't need to extend about that because almost everyone can make that!
Or you can use a prepared one... Keep the puree warm. Peel the onions and cut them, also the washed and pitted paprika's, in equally large pieces. Heat the olive oil or butter up in a pot and let them there with the onions and paprika's thread. Add the corn and  let it warm up.

Make an omelet with the eggs & cream (or milk). Add some salt and pepper. You can choose and add other spices as well. Be adventurous. Cut the omelet in pieces afterwards or you squash it with a fork.

After everything is done you add, before you serve it, it all together. The puree, the mixed vegetables and the omelet.

For Non-Vegetarians: You can always serve some hamburgers or something else with it, naturally, that way they don't need to stand in the cold.

Eat them
The Veggi Lady

tip: Try experimenting with other vegetables and spices
Look at my other blog about movies
note: the recipes on this blog aren't own inventions, the gratitude goes to the creator of this recipe.

donderdag 27 september 2012


Welcome to the world of a vegetarian,

First of all thanks for reading this.
I would love to introduce myself but I'm a little bit shy so that's why I'll introduce myself as The Veggi Lady. I live in Belgium and that is where I'll visit restaurants, snackbars, practically every where, where they have food, not only those who claim they make food for vegetarians but also normal restaurants.

The life of a vegetarian ain't that easy.... Some restaurants are almost only for Carnivores, for example
the Mc Donalds, sure they have a salad. But that's only one leaf with almost nothing on it. If I eat it I'm still hungry, damn I could eat a whole house! But seriously what do they think? Do they think we don't eat that much? Or are they affraid the butcher will come because he thinks we are cows? Owh I get it, they are affraid for a lawsuit when that butcher comes!

This is what the site is about, vegetarian food. Obviously...

I'll give points till 10 for:

- Service
- The Food itself (the taste)

- The variation of the food
- The presentation of the food

And for my son
- The hot stuff (the hot employees)
No, not true, just joking.

That makes it 40 points together.

But before you follow my blog you should know one thing:
A vegetarian is someone that doesn't eat meat, chicken or fish,
A  veganist on the other hand doesn't eat anything related to animals.
They don't eat eggs, cheese, butter and don't drink milk.

There are a wide variatian of so called "vegetarians"...
I don't eat anything that lived, that means no animals...
No fish, No chicken and No meat.

You wanna know my hobbies?

Well I like to see movies, read historical novels and like all women do, SHOPPING!!!!!!!

This was my introduction