zondag 8 september 2013

Dear Sweetypies,

I've been in doubt for a long time. I think passing you my recipes was so much fun, but my body lets me more and more down. I can not guarantee that there will come a time that it will be beter again, so I have to say goodbey to you, with a heavy heart. I especially want to thank you, all my Sweetypies and my beloved son Rebel. Stay positive, keep enjoying the nice things in life and do not be taking over by the rat race that society has become. It sounds corny but I enjoyed my time with you, even if I have never heard or saw you myself. Thanks, dears, for reading my blog. Love you all !! Take good care of yourself and your loved ones. And who knows, goodbye or goodblogs? Farewell.
Your veggie lady, Sonja

zondag 1 september 2013

Today we are gonna stuff and roll it !

As you can see in the title, we're stuffing it and then roll it up, are you gain ?    ;-)
And of course again a few cocktails.

Grilled EGGPLANT Rolls with PAPRIKAcream and ROCKETSALAD.
(for 8 rolls)

You need:
- 1 large eggplant
- 1 yellow paprika, washed and seeds removed
- rocket salad, washed
- few tbsp. mascarpone
- olive oil
- salt & pepper
– a blender
- a kitchen brush

Cut the eggplant, length-wise, into thin slices. Brush the slices with olive oil and grill them in a pan. Cut the paprika into cubes. Bake until tender in some olive oil and blend then until smooth. Put also a few tbsp. mascarpone and salt & pepper in it. Brush the eggplant rolls with the cream-mixture, top with some rocket-saladeleaves and role up.

CABBAGE rolls with CHERVIL Sauce.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 30 min.)

You need:
- 1 chinese cabbage, made ​​loose leaves and washed
- 100 gr. chopped chervil
- 100 ml. cream
- 80 gr. cream cheese
- 1 egg
- 500 ml. broth
- 250 gr. couscous
- 2 tsp. mustard
- Cayenne
- olive oil
- salt
- water
- a cooking pot with salted water
- a kitchen towl
- A colander or strainer
- A greased baking dish with lid
- A saucepan
- a bowl
- a fork

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Put salted water in the cooking pot and blanch the cabbage leaves in there for + - 1 min. Drain but keep the cooking water !! Lay 8 large leaves flat on a dry towel. Cut the rest into fine strips. Prepare the couscous according to package directions. Mix the cheese with the egg, a pinch of cayenne pepper and salt. Make the couscous well loose with a fork. Put half the couscous in with the cheese mixture and stir well. Spread the filling over the 8 large dried cabbage leaves and roll firmly (you can always use some kitchen twine to bind them.) Put the shredded cabbage in the greased baking dish and place the stuffed cabbage rolls on the shredded cabbage. Pour in the broth, cover and put in the oven for + - 20 min. Bring the cabbage cooking liquid with the cream to a boil in the saucepan, for + - 1 min Then add the chervil and mustard to it. Spoon the warm sauce over the filled rolls and serve with the rest of the couscous.

Pasta rolls with SPINACH and RICOTTA.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 55 min.)

You need:
- 250 gr. fresh lasagna sheets
- 300 gr. spinach, washed
- 1 shallot, peeled and chopped
- 1 clove garlic, peeled and chopped
- 1 egg
- 200 gr. ricotta
- 40 gr. grated parmesan
- nutmeg
- a strainer
- Cling film
- aluminum foil
- A cooking pot with salted water
- A kitchen brush
- Salt & pepper
For the tomato sauce:
- 600 gr. ripe tomatoes, peeled and seeded, cut in cubes
- 1 onion, peeled and chopped
- 100 ml. broth
- 1 tsp. oregano
- Pinch of sugar
- Salt & pepper
- A cooking pot
- an ovendish
For the béchamel sauce:
- 1 tbsp. flower
- 1 tbsp. butter
- 250 ml. milk
- nutmeg
- Salt & pepper
- A cooking pot

Preheat the oven to 220 ° C. Bring the pot of water to a boil. Blanch the spinach briefly in the boiling salted water. Drain and hold under cold running water. Drain. Press out as much moisture as possible and chop it coarsely. Put oil in the pot and stew the onion and garlic until translucent. Mix with the egg, the spinach, the ricotta, the parmesan, the nutmeg and salt & pepper. Arrange half the lasagne sheets on the work surface and leave them some overlap. Put half of the spinach mixture on and roll up. Brush the cling film with oil and then wrap the lasagnerolls in the oiled sheets, tighten securely and wrap them in aluminum foil. Do the same with the rest. Bring water to a boil in the pot, place the rolls in the boiling water and let the wrapped rolls boil for + - 5 min. Make the tomato sauce. Put oil in the pot and stew the onion translucent, add the diced tomatoes and let it simmer. Deglaze with the stock and let simmer for + - 5 min. Season with salt & pepper, oregano and a pinch of sugar. Pour the sauce into the oven dish. For the béchamel sauce we melt the butter in the pot, sprinkle in the flour and stir until the mixture is dry. Pour in the milk, while stirring constantly, and bring to a boil. Season with nutmeg and salt & pepper. Remove the pasta rolls from their packaging and arrange them on the layer tomato sauce. Pour the béchamel over now and put in the oven for + - 15 min.

Bread Rolls with AVOCADO Mousse.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 15 min.)

You need:
- 50 gr. arugula salad, washed and dried
- 1 ripe avocado, pit removed and flesh cut into pieces
- Juice of 1/2 lime
- 1 coriander plant, leaves picked, washed and dried
- 100 gr. ricotta (or a fresh cream cheese)
- 8 large slices of a round white bread
- 50 gr. hazelnuts, coarsley chopped
- Salt & pepper
- Bowl (s)
- A knife
- Some plates
- Cocktail sticks (toothpick)
- A food processor

Cut the crusts from the bread. Put the avocado, ricotta, hazelnuts and lime juice in the food processor and mix. Season with pepper and salt. Spread the bread slices with the mixture, divide the arugula salad and coriander leaves over and roll up. Cut each roll into 3 and insert it with a cocktail stick.
These bread rolls are perfect for the lunchbox, on a picnic or gardenfest.

LEEK in omelette rolls with GOAT CHEESE.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 1/2 h.)

You need:
- 2 large leeks whites, washed
- 125 gr. fresh goat cheese (rolls)
- 4 eggs
- 2 tbsp. butter
- 1 tsp. tomato paste
- 6 tbsp. vegetable juice
- Salt & pepper
- A cooking pot with salted water
- A pan
- A baking sheet lined with parchment paper
- Serving plates
- bowl(s)
- a strainer

Beat the eggs with the tomato paste and 2 tbsp. vegetable juice and season with pepper & salt. Cut the goat cheese rolls into 12 equal slices. Cut the leek whites lengthwise into 4 and cut each piece then into 3 equal pieces of + - 3 cm. Cook the leeks in lightly salted water until tender for + - 10 min. Drain and leave to drain. Melt the butter in a pan and bake 4 thin omelettes (fry on both sides even brown.) Cut each omelet in 3 strips and roll in each strip 2 pieces of leek. Place them side by side on the baking tray with baking paper held. On each omelet roll, you put a slice of goat cheese. Put under the grill for 2 to 3 min., so the cheese melts slightly but not browned. Place 3 omelette rolls on each plate and spoon the rest of the vegetable juice around.

Bicuitomelet with Orange Cream.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 55 min.)

You need:
- 3 eggs
- 1 pinch grated zest of an untreated lemon
- 120 gr. flower
- 2 tbsp. maizetmeel
- 2 tbsp. vanilla sugar
- sugar
- Bow (s)
- A mixer or whisk
- A baking tray lined with baking paper
For the filling:
- 2 untreated oranges, well scrubbed under warm water and grate the peel of 1 orange
- 200 gr. masarpone
- 200 ml. cream
- 1 pinch vanilla pod
- 40 gr. sugar
- powdered sugar
- Fresh mint leaves, washed and dried
- Bow (s)
- A sharp knife
- A mixer or whisk
- A spatula
- a kitchen towl

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Separate the eggs and beat the yolks with the creamy vanilla sugar. Beat the egg whites with the lemon zest. Mix the flour, cornstarch and egg yolk cream. Divide the batter in four circles of diameter 16 cm., on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Place them in the oven and bake until golden for + - 10 min. Remove the pan from the oven, sprinkle sugar on a towel and turn the baking tin upside town on the towl. Pull the parchment paper, carefully, of the omelets. Fold them loosely in two and let cool. Cut the peel of the oranges in to the flesh away, then cut, with a really sharp knife, between the segments from the membranes, to get the orangepart out of there place. collect the juice !! And then squeeze the rest of the oranges out als well as you can. Mix the mascarpone with the sugar, the zest, the vanilla marrow and 2 to 3 tbsp. orange juice. Whip the cream until stiff and fold it through the cream. Fill the biscuit omelets with cream and the orange segments. Sprinkle with icing sugar before serving and garnish with mint leaves.


Rumpunch with lime cocktail.
(For a carafe.)

You need:
- 250 ml. lime juice
- 1 lemon, sliced
- 250 ml. white rum
- 150 ml. syrup of cane sugar
- 250 ml. mineral and aerated waters
- ice
- A sealable decanter, jar or bottle

Mix the lime juice with white rum, cane syrup and water. Add the lime slices and serve cold.

Cocktail with Ricard, melon and raspberries skewers.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 10 min.)

You need:
- 2 charentais melons, peeled, pitted and cut into wedges
- 1 dl. sparkling water, well chilled
- 2 dl. sparkling water, well chilled
- 1 sprig of mint, washed, dried, leaves removed
- 1,5 dl. ricard
- 5 cl. cane syrup
- 8 raspberries, washed and dried
- 4 skewers
- A blender
- a seef
- Bow (s)
- A mortar
- A jug or shaker
- 4 well chilled martini glass

Cut 1/4 of a melon into cubes and set aside (for the skewers). Cut the rest into cubes and put them in the blender along with 1 dl. soda. Mix and sift. Crush the mint leaves in a mortar and set aside. Mix the sugar cane syrup and ricard. Mix in a shaker can or the melon juice with mint and 2 dl. soda and ricard. Thread the raspberry and melon cubes on the skewers. Pour the cocktail in martini glass and place the skewers on the edge. Good serve cold.

Satan in Paradise cocktail.
(For a carafe)

You need:
- 3.5 ml. Mauritusrum
- 1.5 ml. dark rum
- 1.5 ml. overproof rum
- 1 ml. Dom Benedictine
- 1 ml. amand syrup
- 1 ml. cherry syrup
- A dash of bitter orange
- Well chilled carafe

Mix everything together and keep it chill!!

SPRITZ cocktail.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 5 min.)

You need:
- 400 ml. prosecco
- 400 ml.Cynar (or another bitter drinks such as Aperol, Campari or gin)
- 4 slices of orange
- isblokjes
- 4 well chilled glass

Divide the ice cubes and slices of orange on the glasses. Pour the Cynar in and fill the glasses on with the prosecco. CHEERS !!

Eat them,
The Veggie Lady
Check out my other blog!

maandag 26 augustus 2013

Homemade peanut butter. Veggie lasagna. Veggie paella. Vegetable Burger with Carrot Salad and a beauty tip !! Spicy TEMPE and PARSNIP-ENDIVE Risotto. Cocktails: Manguito cocktail. Fruity Macaron cocktail. Bittersweet Bubbles cocktail. Kalinka Cooler cocktail.

Dear Sweetypies, Today I read an article where the made the same error. Someone who says he is vegetarian but eats fish. HE WOW, the you are NOT a vegetarian but a pescotariër!! A vegetarian does not eats anything that one must kill. That is my vision. To obtain butter, eggs and milk you do not need to hurt an animal, right  ?
So dear Sweetypies, correct them self-proclaimed 'vegetarians' who does eats fish, mussels or oysters. Cause they are PESCOTARIERS !!

Homemade peanut butter.
(For 1 pot)

You need:
- 300 gr. nature peanuts, shelled
- 2 tbsp. honey
- A blender
- A reclosable jar
- a spoon

Put the peanuts and honey in the blender and start to blend on a low setting. Increase the speed ,gradually, stop now & then to loosen the mixture from the bottom, with a spoon. Mix + - 5 min., the granular mass peanuts will first look like batter and then like a ball of dough, which then forms the peanut butter. Keep mixing until you get the desired thickness. Store in a jar at room temperature. Start now to lick out the pot   ;-)

Veggie lasagna.
(For 4 pers, Preparation: + - 30 min.)

You need:
- 1/2 bunch scallions (spring-onions), washed and finely chopped
- 300 gr. fresh lasagna sheets
- 300 gr. frozen peas
- 200 gr. baby spinach leaves, washed and dry
- 125 gr. mozzarella, cut in small cubes
- 50 gr. rocket, washed and dry
- 300 gr. ricotta salad
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- a pan or cooking pot
- an deep oven dish

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Warm a tablespoon of oil in the pan or pot and let the spring onions sweat for + - 5 min., on low heat. Season with pepper & salt. Add the frozen peas and let stew for + - 5 min. Add the spinach and rockte salad and let stew futher for + - 5 min. Remove pan (pot) of the fire. Add the ricotta and the vegetablesmix, taste and season more if necessary. Now we make the lasagna, layer by layer: Start with a layer of lasagne sheets, a layer of the veggie-ricotta mix, a bit of the mozzarella cubes and repeat until there no more lasagne sheets left. Finish with a layer of the ricotta-vegetables mix and the remaining mozzarella cubes. Put in the oven for + - 20 min.

Veggie paella.
(For 4 pers.)

You need:
- 2 onions, peeled and finely chopped
- 1 sprig of rosemary, chopped
- 1 red paprika, washed, seeds removed and finely diced
- 1 yellow paprika, washed, seeds removed and finely diced
- 1 zucchini, washed, dried and cut into small cubes
- 2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped
- 2 cups risotto (or palladium) rice
- 1 jar of saffron
- 5 dl. broth
- 1 jar of artichokes (imposed in oil)
- A handful of cherry tomatoes, washed, dried and halved
- A few slices of lime
- A few sprigs of parsley, washed, dried and leaves picked
- Salt & pepper
- A pot or large saucepan with lid
- A sieve
- water
- 4 serving bowls

Cut the half of the artichokes in half and the other half you cut fine. Put some oil in the pot or large pan and fry the onions in there till they are glassy. Add the rosemary, paprika and zucchini and let slowly stew. Add the garlic and stir well. Rinse the rice in a sieve under cold running water and add in the pot (or pan). Stir well. Dissolve the saffron in the broth and add to. Add also the same quantity of water. Season with salt & pepper. Now add the chopped part of the artichokes and stir well. Put the lid on the pot or pan and let it cook. Taste now & then if the rice is cooked. Is it done, then spoon into bowls and finish with the rest of the artichokes (the halved), cherry tomatoes, lime and parsley.

Vegetable Burger with Carrot Salad.
(For 4 pers., Preparation: + - 45 min., rest: + - 30 min. and oven: + - 30 min.)

You need:
For the burgers:
- 3 red beets, uncooked
- 1 onion, peeled and chopped
- 3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
- 2 tbsp. chopped parsley, washed and dried
- 2 sprigs thyme, leaves, washed and dried
- 1 tbsp. chopped coriander, washed and dried
- 200 gr. canned black beans, rinsed and drained
- 100 gr. rice (eg multigrain rice)
- 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
- 2 tbsp. flower
- olive oil
- Salt & pepper
- A ovendish
- A sieve or colander
- A cooking pot
- A large plate
- A pan
- a blender
For the salad:
- 2 carrots, scraped and sliced
- 3 bok choy leaves, washed, dried and cut in pieces
- 2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped
- Handful coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley, washed and dried
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 300 gr. canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained
- 200 ml. tomato sauce, ready-to-eat
- White wine
- olive oil
- 2 tbsp. harissa
- Salt & pepper
- Bowl (s)

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Place the beets in a large ovendish. Sprinkle the beets with olive oil and season with salt. Put them in the oven for + - 1/2 h. Let cool, peel and cut into cubes. Make the rice according to the instructions on the package and let cool. Sauté the onion and olive oil and let cool. Stew the carrots with the crushed garlic in olive oil and harissa. Extinguish with some wine. Add the chickpeas and tomato sauce, let simmer a bit and then remove from the heat. Add the bok choy and parsley, season with salt and pepper and leave to cool. Put the rice, beans, beet, the chopped garlic, stewed onion, apple cider vinegar, parsley, coriander and thyme in a blender and blend fine. Remove from the blender and season with pepper and salt, knead the flour, shape into burgers and refrigerate for + - 1/2 h. Cook the burgers on a low heat or on the BBQ. Serve with carrot salad and garnish with a sprig of green.
You can also use apple cider vinegar in a very different way ! Put a bottle of apple cider vinegar in a footbath and soak your feet in there, your feet will have never been so incredible soft !!

(For 4 pers.)

You need:
- 200 gr. tempe, crumbled
- 6 endive leaves, washed, dried and cut into strings
- 1 red pepper, seeded and cut into rings
- 1 onion, peeled and chopped
- 3 parsnips, washed and sliced ​​instaafjes from 4 cm to 1 cm.
- 4 tbsp. butter
- 1 tbsp. cream
- 250 gr. risotto rice
- 8 dl. broth
- 1/2 dl. dry white wine
- 1 tbsp. rice oil
- 6 rosemary needles
- 3 sprigs thyme
- Salt & pepper
- A large frying pan or two
- a kooking pot
- Paper towels
- 4 serving plates

Melt 1 tbsp. butter in the frying pan and cook the onion, add the risotto rice and stir well. Deglaze with the white wine and let the wine evaporate completely. Then cover with half the broth and stir well. Let's stew until the broth is absorbed completely. Melt 1 tbsp. butter in the saucepan and cook the parsnip until al dente, about 8 min., together with the rosemary and thyme. Moisten the risotto with the other half of the stock and continue to stew for + - 10 min. Heat the rice oil in the frying pan and add the pepper, bake the crumbled tempeh crisp. Drain on paper towels and sprinkle with salt (preferably sea salt). Mix the raw endive and parsnip among the rice, stir 2 tbsp. butter and cream in it and season with salt & pepper. Divide the risotto on the plates and sprinkle with the tempe (tempeh).

Manguito cocktail.
(For 4 glasses)

You need:
- 80 ml. white rum
- 8 mint leaves, washed and dried
- Juice of 2 limes
- mango juice
- A pinch of cinnamon
- ice cubes
- 4 glasses, well chilled

Divide the rum over the glass, add a pinch of cinnamon, but make sure there are no lumps formed. Crush mint leaves in each glass 2. Divide the lime juice over the 4 glasses and dilute with the mango juice. Finish with ice.

Fruity Macaron cocktail.
(For a carafe)

You need:
- 80 ml. macaronsiroop
- 120 ml. vodka
- 200 ml. cherry juice
- 200 ml. apple juice
- ice cubes
- glasses
- A shaker

Fill the shaker with ice, pour in the syrup and then the other ingredients and shake. Serve in chilled glasses well.

Martini Bianco Royale Cocktail.
(For 4 glasses.)

You need:
- 20 cl. Martini Bianco
- 20 cl. Martini Brut
- 1 lime, cut into wedges
- A few sprigs of mint
- ice cubes
- 4 Martini glasses, well chilled


Fill the glass with ice cubes, add 5 cl. Martini Bianco, then 5 cl. Martini Brut. Squeeze a lime wedge in each glass and leave the squeezed out wedge in the glass. Mix well and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

Bittersweet Bubbles cocktail.
(For 4 glasses.)

You need:
- 32 cl. cava or prosecco, well chilled
- 16 cl. campari, well chilled
- 12 raspberries (fresh)
- 4 tsp. lemon juice
- 4 long champagne glasses, well chilled

Divide the Campari and lemon juice on the glass. Fill just before serving with the well chilled cava or prosecco. Add the raspberries.

Kalinka Cooler cocktail.
(For 4 glasses)

You need:
- 120 ml. vodka
- 60 ml. apple liqueur  or apple fire water (jenever)
- 12 to 16 cm. cucumber, washed, 4 slices cut off and the rest into cubes
- 4 tbsp. crushed ice
- 4 ice cubes
- A cocktail shaker
- A cocktail pestle
- A sieve
- 4 glasses

Stamp the finely diced cucumber and put it in the cocktail shaker. Add the vodka, apple liqueur (orfire water) and crushed ice and shake well. Pour the drink through a sieve and pour into the glasses. Garnish with a slice of cucumber and an icecube.

Eat them,
The Veggie Lady
Check out my other blog!